food, food, food

. Friday, June 9, 2006

i have been on a food kick the past couple of days... my every thought has been about food it seems, or something to do with the kitchen - i organized my cookbooks and started sorting through loose recipes. last week i cooked indian food, yesterday i made chili (hot, hot, hot) and a jug of sweet tea (very cool) ... for lunch i made spaghetti with eggs, a recipe from a book i read - mark was not into it, but i really liked it ... tonite i made super tasty fish cakes and corn on the cob (too early for really good corn) and salad with bleu cheese... i have been reading the cooking magazines and a book called Cooking for Mr. Latte, which i loved... i am starting My Kitchen Wars, another food memoir, right after Dr. Who tonite, if i am still up... i think that i am going to make doughnuts in the morning... and i am having a mental debate on what to make for dinner tomorrow... i have returned to the kitchen with a vengeance - the only thing keeping me from going completely crazy in the kitchen is the fact that we are broke till next week, so i can't go out and buy all the wonderful ingredients right this second - a very good thing all around, as i am forced to use stuff we have at home and need to use anyway ... i did not realize how much food was actually in the house... it is rather comforting actually... yay for food

About Feeding the Flock

In the beginning there was a group of friends, let's call them The Flock, who were held together by a love of literature, pop culture, and criticism… we all had our roles within the group - the pontiff, the scribe, the inquisitor, the artist - and I became the mistress of hospitality.

The Flock has evolved, members added and fallen away, but the need for food remains - so here I am, feeding the flock, reading my books, and snarking about it all as I report on my own culinary adventures, palate explorations, restaurant excursions (though my current budget does prevent much in restaurant excursions), and really any other tidbit that I feel like offering - though I will try to keep it to food and books involving food…


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I am passionate about food and books, so that is what you see the most of here. But current events, personal musings, and pop culture also make frequent appearances.
