
. Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Lughnasadh (August 1) is the time of the first harvest, when the seeds of spring give up their fruits and seeds for us, to feed us through this year and to continue the cycle of life into the future. the feast has many names - Lughnasadh, Lammas, Feast of Bread, Harvest Home, Feast of First Fruits, Loaf-mass... whatever it is called, it is a celebration of the bounty of summer, a thanksgiving for the blessings in our lives, the food on our table... it is a feast celebrated by Christians and pagans alike ... it is a recognition of the passing of summer and the need for death to bring new life... it is the smell of sun-ripened peaches and the explosion of sweetness as you bite into fresh corn... may you never go hungry on this or any day and may we all be brought to greater awareness of the blessings in our lives Blessed Be...


About Feeding the Flock

In the beginning there was a group of friends, let's call them The Flock, who were held together by a love of literature, pop culture, and criticism… we all had our roles within the group - the pontiff, the scribe, the inquisitor, the artist - and I became the mistress of hospitality.

The Flock has evolved, members added and fallen away, but the need for food remains - so here I am, feeding the flock, reading my books, and snarking about it all as I report on my own culinary adventures, palate explorations, restaurant excursions (though my current budget does prevent much in restaurant excursions), and really any other tidbit that I feel like offering - though I will try to keep it to food and books involving food…


My photo
I am passionate about food and books, so that is what you see the most of here. But current events, personal musings, and pop culture also make frequent appearances.
