Birthday foods...

. Monday, February 2, 2009

So my first foray into fondue was lovely... I can't believe I got the the ripe old age of 29 never having tried it... we went to The Melting Pot in Ft. Collins and it was super tasty - I have to say I am a fan of fondue, though I think the caloric intake will be limiting my indulgence... still I could totally see a fondue set in my future...


Linus said...

Fondue is lovely - and almost completely NOT vegan. I'll just watch you have it... :)

About Feeding the Flock

In the beginning there was a group of friends, let's call them The Flock, who were held together by a love of literature, pop culture, and criticism… we all had our roles within the group - the pontiff, the scribe, the inquisitor, the artist - and I became the mistress of hospitality.

The Flock has evolved, members added and fallen away, but the need for food remains - so here I am, feeding the flock, reading my books, and snarking about it all as I report on my own culinary adventures, palate explorations, restaurant excursions (though my current budget does prevent much in restaurant excursions), and really any other tidbit that I feel like offering - though I will try to keep it to food and books involving food…


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I am passionate about food and books, so that is what you see the most of here. But current events, personal musings, and pop culture also make frequent appearances.
