. Monday, June 16, 2008

When Candy Goes Wrong I can't decide what is funnier the title, which sounds like something from a budget horror film, or the picture, which speaks for itself...

It is my passion.

. Thursday, June 12, 2008

Do you remember falling in love, discovering your passion - I was nine. We had free-time. I was laying on my stomach looking at the books on the bottom shelf of the classroom bookcase, books we never used in class. I have always had a fondness for things that involve never. There were lots of books i knew by then that i was supposed to be interested in, classics - Treasure Island, The Jungle Book, Black Beauty. The there was this old, faded blue book - you know that weird library-binding blue that is nothing like the author or publicist intended. There was a grainy, faded picture of a girl on the front with her yellow skirt and hair blowing out to the side - rather unrealistically, I now know - but completely wonderful to my rather overdeveloped imagination of the time. The Witch of Blackbird Pond. I started reading it. For people who know me now that may seem like no big deal, but let me assure you it was. I did not read. I was in Chapter 1 reading, not because I didn't know how, I was reading when I was three years old, but because I refused to do it. The power of my will to not do something I didn't want to was such that I almost failed out of school - before the 5th grade. So me reading, and right there in the middle of the classroom even, that was not normal behavior. But it was free-time and no one noticed. It was not the first book I had read, but for some reason I was pulled into that world. It was the first time I wanted to read. I took the book home with me. I finished it in two days. I read it again. And again. (I did eventually give it back - but only after I had acquired my own copy at a school book fair.) Then I went to the library to see if Elizabeth George Speare had written any other books. The Calico Captive, The Bronze Bow, and The Sign of the Beaver were all quickly devoured. And just like that I was a reader. It is my passion.

About Feeding the Flock

In the beginning there was a group of friends, let's call them The Flock, who were held together by a love of literature, pop culture, and criticism… we all had our roles within the group - the pontiff, the scribe, the inquisitor, the artist - and I became the mistress of hospitality.

The Flock has evolved, members added and fallen away, but the need for food remains - so here I am, feeding the flock, reading my books, and snarking about it all as I report on my own culinary adventures, palate explorations, restaurant excursions (though my current budget does prevent much in restaurant excursions), and really any other tidbit that I feel like offering - though I will try to keep it to food and books involving food…


My photo
I am passionate about food and books, so that is what you see the most of here. But current events, personal musings, and pop culture also make frequent appearances.
